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Hele Terms & Conditions

Usable up to balance to buy authorized products and services only at participating Hele® stores. Not redeemable for cash or credit, except where required by law. Reloadable, but a physical plastic card will be deactivated if no activity for 365 days after a zero balance, except for a mobile app or digital card, if available, which will be deactivated if no activity for 60 days after a zero balance. Not a credit card, debit card, asset account or deposit account. Safeguard your card; it will not be replaced if lost, stolen, or used without authorization. CARD2202, Inc. is the card issuer and sole obligor to card owner. Card may be distributed by Hele®. However, Hele® is not affiliated with CARD2202, Inc. and is not an obligor to card owner. Purchase, use or acceptance of card constitutes acceptance of these terms. For inquiries to CARD2202 please visit or call (855)-971-7430.

To check your balance or other inquiries please visit